Adrian Abbs wash common
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    Welcome to my website

    It contains information about being a West Berkshire Cllr

    It contains news, and issues relevant to wash common

Latest News

A Positive Future

Reading West & Mid Berkshire


June 2024
A Positive Future

I created a vision that shows a possible positive future for the UK. (click on the image)

It will take 10-20 years to complete, but we could see benefits start within the next parliament.

Without a Vision, there can't be a strategy or tactical plans to get there.

If you want an MP who will ensure local matters are dealt with, but who can also bring some life experience as a solution creator, then please Vote for me on July 4th.


Adrian Abbs

Independent Candidate

Reading West & Mid Berkshire

Tilehurst Hustings Churches Together

Reading West & Mid Berkshire


June 2024
Tilehurst Hustings Churches Together

What to expect from me 

My Pledges

  • Be visible and engaged across the whole area. I’ll do this by running surgeries online when needed
  • Represent the issues facing Wash Common as best I can