New plan being brought forward for the kennet Centre
Here is a link to the new proposal for what is called Old Town
David Marsh and I have put in a members bid in which will be looked at in February 2025
Fingers crossed we are awarded the bid.
It became clear that the Racecourse development would benefit from a Residents Association to deal with common areas and build the new community.
To help make that happen I taken on the Chairmans role for the association
You can see what its up to using their website
We have another successful members bid. I'm very pleased to say that with my fellow councillors (Tony Vickers) & support from Greenham Parish council I have been able to secure enough funds for the 1st Wash common scouts to be able to purchase the trailer they need to carry out their extensive program that benefits Wash Common community as a whole.
All 3 ward members supported the bid that came in from Falklands Cricket club to enable them to provide enhanced girls changing room facilities at the FCC 2nd ground. We did not get quite as much as we hoped for but at least 10% of what FCC will spend on the project.
Quick update - The motion seems to have cross-party support and now moves to officers to create the detail.
You can see the final motion using the link to the file
I have just submitted a new notice which will try and get West Berkshire to seek funding and begin a works program that will allow Insulation to be installed where it is most needed.
I have attached the motion which will. be presented to the council on 1st December.
I brought a green canopy motion to the council which has been forwarded to the Environmental Advisory Group so in order to brief the portfolio holder. Details can be see here.
The concept is simple and asked the council to start mitigation works ahead of further climate change to project people and business across West Berkshire's high streets
After several meetings, West Berkshire Council finally approved my motion to help Taxi's Go Green faster by introducing the scheme presented late in 2021. It's just a small scheme that rewards taxi's that switch to All Electric or Hybrid vehicles but it should nudge our progress towards net zero by 2030
read here the detail of the motion
I'm pleased to say that following a suggestion that West Berkshire should develop a Large Solar Farm, which was made as a budget amendment in 2020 but dismissed at the time by the Conservatives, we now have approved plans. We won't see the benefits until 2024, but it will be the largest single impact to date on reaching the West Berkshire target of net zero by 2030. If people know of other locations please let me know asap. see here for more detail
I'm very pleased to say that with my fellow councillors (Tony Vickers), support from Greenham Parish council along with a successful members bid from West Berkshire Council I have been able to secure enough funds for the 1st Wash common scouts to be able to build our their internal climbing wall a the new scouts hut at Falklands Cricket Club. A total of £24K was raised.
Spring & the West Berkshire Recycling centres
I’m sure everyone already knows that WBC now requires you to book an appointment before you go to your local recycling centres (Newtown Road for our WARD). Not everyone is aware that as of March 1st you also need to have registered your vehicle's number plate. – The old paper system is now ended!
Below is a link to the help pdf they produced that will guide you through the restrictions.
According to West Berks
Following changes to national guidance this week, West Berkshire Council in partnership with the Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) are to reopen the public car parks at Snelsmore and Greenham Common tomorrow, 13 May 2020.
The following key safety advice will still apply;
- Keep at least 2 metres from anyone you meet
- Only meet ONE person from outside household (maintain social distancing)
- Drive to open spaced irrespective of distance (but not to second homes)
- Avoid public transport where possible
- Walking and cycling where possible to reduce car use
Richard Somner, West Berkshire’s Executive Member for Transport & Countryside said: “Opening up the car parks at Snelsmore and Greenham Common is the start of a phased recovery plan. We have chosen to open these two sites first as we have the capacity to manage them and to ensure continued public safety which is a priority for everyone.
we would encourage people to continue to use active forms of travel such as
walking or cycling where possible in preference to taking the car. We would
also ask them to ensure that they carry on observing social distancing so that
they can enjoy the countryside and exercise safely.”
Christopher Williams, Land
Management & People Engagement Director, BBOWT said: Greenham and
Snelsmore Common are nationally important places for wildlife and we would urge
the public to respect these precious sites by staying on designated paths to
avoid ground nesting birds and their chicks."
Tess Ethelston
Group Executive (Conservative)
Strategic Support West Berkshire Council Market Street
Newbury RG14 5LD
(01635) 503295 | Ext 3295 |
I'm pleased to say that my Members bid was approved for more DeFibs in Wash Common. My colleagues in Newbury Town council are moving forward wit the installation of the first.