Equal Access to clean energy.

Reading West & Mid Berkshire


Equal Access to clean energy.

Those who have cash have been able to take advantage of the cost savings delivered by installing solar for some time now. On 1st June 2024, a search of the web showed adverts for full solar installations on a typical house for less than £6K.

Most homes halve the electricity they take from the grid after solar is installed. With the energy price cap currently at £1690, it means a potential saving of £845 per annum. So approximately 7 years to payback if the savings are used to fund the installation. If we halve that saving the payback goes to 14 years approx. That’s around half the lifetime of the solar installation.

So, can Westminster enable equal access to the savings available? The answer is yes of course. We simply need a scheme where anyone can apply to have solar installed and paid for from the savings made. The risk to the UK is low. It helps accelerate towards greater availability of green energy, reduces the load on local transformers and Grid, whilst allowing everyone access to some level of saving and therefore helps with people's cost of living.

Those with cash can still get the full savings straight away, whilst everyone else gets some of the gains without having to find the up-front money.

As an MP, I would love to help work on the details of a scheme something like this. It could be done in combination with the UK Infrastructure Bank or Local councils and deliver equal access to clean energy for the Reading West and Mid Berkshire constituency.

Adrian Abbs


Reading West & Mid Berkshire Constituency

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