1st Husting for General Election 2024 - BBOWT

Burghfield Village Hall


The BBOWT-organised hustings took place last night. A focus on the environment and biodiversity was the theme. 

James Aldrige live-tweeted the event (thanks James) and we all pitched our case on why we should be the MP.

Reform did not turn up, so maybe we will see them at the next one. I encourage people to go to one and see their prospective candidates pitch their various cases for selection.

My view is that we use STEAM (Save The Environment And Money) to return the UK to a positive GDP whilst improving the wellness of people in the UK. I laid out my vision of how we could do that during the various questions. I've previously created a YouTube Video about this.

In case you are struggling to spot me I am on the right of the picture. The picture was taken by James Aldridge

The next Hustings is at Pangbourne Collage on 12th June https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/pangbourne-college-election-hustings-tickets-914507726227

Hope to see you there.

Adrian Abbs


Reading West & Mid Berkshire