BBC Berkshire Radio Political Bias

Reading West & Mid Berkshire


Bias at the BBC!

It may seem trivial to some but the first steps to dictatorship often start by silencing people.

The barriers erected for anything but a Party to participate in a general election get ever higher. 

It further shows why “Party Politics is Broken” BBC Radio Berkshire has just told me that the hustings they are doing at 10 AM on the 19th is in fact not a hustings – That's despite all the party candidates thinking it is.

They say it is against policy to invite any independents on their show? Well, what they are doing certainly seems to break Ofcom guidelines see for yourself using this link and look at 6.2 

But, hey ho why bother with democracy? Think that’s wrong? 

Would you have at least liked to have heard something different than the political promises being offered by the parties? 

I suggest you drop an email to BBC Radio Berkshire letting them know. They can’t ignore the public – Just Independent candidates (Yes both of us not invited)