Adrian Abbs Wash Common Ward home page
Adrian Abbs, Home
  • Welcome to the site

    Welcome to my website

    It contains information about the Wash Common Ward and why I'm now running as an Independent MP

    It contains news, a manifesto and other things that I hope are relevant for your support

  • Which party

    I first stood for West Berkshire Council as a Liberal Democrat.

    As I don't believe in the extremes of Politics, this was the best for me.

    I retain many of those centralist views, but am now an Independent.

  • Also Greenham, which is non-political.

    I was also a Greenham Parish Councillor which is non-political.

    It overlaps on a key devlopment (Sandleford)

    I'm here to help!

Latest News

The Future of Work

Reading West & Mid Berkshire


May 2024
The Future of Work

The advent of humanoid robots combined with artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to bring about a seismic shift in the global job market. Why? Because these advanced technologies are no longer just tools we use, but active participants capable of performing tasks with a degree of autonomy and precision that equals or surpasses human capabilities in certain areas.

Some are being designed to fit into the same spaces where we currently work and mimic our actions.

When integrated with AI, these robots can learn, adapt, and make decisions, thereby handling complex tasks that require cognitive abilities.

This technological revolution, while promising for some, also raises concerns about job displacement. As they become more prevalent, many traditional jobs may become obsolete. This could lead to significant job losses and require a fundamental restructuring of our economy and society.

So far, in every industrial revolution in history, that revolution has led to the creation of new jobs even as it rendered others obsolete. The key lies in our ability to anticipate these changes and adapt accordingly. We need to start planning for a future where work as we know it may no longer exist.

This involves constantly investing in education and training programs, but also exploring new socio-economic models.

Westminster is often way behind in terms of policy making and certainly did not think about things like the impact of the Amazon model of direct warehouse to shopper selling, and its reshaping of the high street.

We need to look at those businesses who will choose to replace a person with a robot. Ask questions like, Should the robot pay NI and Tax equivalent to employing a person? I personally think so, otherwise, how will services get paid for?

There are things we need to think about now so that as they arrive over the next decade, we at least have a plan.

That means having MPs that look at the long term not just the next election.

The retirement home scandal

Reading West & Mid Berkshire


April 2024
The retirement home scandal

Can you guess which segment of the housing market is most often associated with declining value over time? That would be the housing aimed at the more mature occupant i.e. living for those over 55 etc. It’s an area that plays on people’s desire to care for others.

I’ll use an example of a development in Wantage and data from Zoopla. A 1-bed flat was first sold in August 2011 for £120,000, it was re-sold in July 2023 for £100,000. Adjusting for inflation it should have sold for £169,822!

So why does the value fall so dramatically?

Often the management company associated with the development is not controlled by the residents. Its charges grow disproportionally to when the property is first purchased.

The services brought in to carry out any work is usually associated with the same group that the management company belongs to. It's not unusual for the management company to say “We have to charge more because the services needed are costing so much more”. But there not using the market for services, they are using internal resources and not being transparent with owners.

Most frequently there are terms and conditions buried in the original purchase agreement that means anything from 1-10% of the value of the property must be paid every time the person living their changes. You read correctly, every time and on the full value of the property. There is a market for renting out retirement properties, but most often that’s because the owner inherited the flat, not because a property investor sees a viable return.

Now let’s look at when the person at 55 buys the property but reaches say 70 or 80 and needs more of an assistive living place. Just when you might want to release equity to pay for it, you find the bricks and mortar that’s normally a solid investment is in fact a liability. You either don’t get anything like the rental income you might get with an ordinary flat, or you're forced to sell at a loss and of course, the money released does not go as far as you might have planned.

It’s been reported as an issue for several years, a minister even looked at this, but nothing has been done to stop companies from praying on the vulnerable. Its something I would want to raise should I be lucky enough to represent people in Parliament.

What to expect from me as your independent West Berkshire Councillor

  • I mean to continue to represent the ward by offering real scrutiny of the decision-making being done.
  • I have lived in and run my business from Newbury for over 20 years. (Expect me to continue to care about local issues) 
  • My career has covered from shovelling peas to running international companies in Europe and the USA so I bring real-world experience to the role and have delivered solutions the council has adopted. 
  • My opinions are fact-driven - Which means what I believe sometimes changes based on new evidence - This is valuable given what I see from some political people i.e. Being locked into never saying they got something wrong
  • Having come from a working-class background I believe in a fair start for all and will look to fight for that in Wash Common. - I have brought and will continue to bring motions to the council to help all residents of the ward
  • I believe education is the fundamental building block of life, it is something needed throughout your career and I want to see what we can do at West Berkshire to help. I want to tackle the move to Multi Trusts that is being imposed on the UK by innovating in West Berkshire
  • I'll be continuing to try and get better than 99% coverage for people in terms of having a de-fib nearby.

Ward Virtual Tour

Just click a pin on the map to change the virtual view

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Coloured pins mean

Yellow = School or Nursery 
Green = Public Space for Play / Exercise / Allotments
Purple = Non-School Learning 
Red = Memorial
Pink = Sports Ground

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